


June 4, 2020

It is an important topic at the present time, as businesses are realizing that a sustainable environment viewpoint is actually not even in the casual manufacturing application, but also taking an important role in international business relationship development. The continuous environment protection process in the company helps to reduce the impact of climate change and encourages companies to reshape the manufacturing process and reduce the waste.


It is an important topic at the present time, as businesses are realizing that a sustainable environment viewpoint is actually not even in the casual manufacturing application, but also taking an important role in international business relationship development. The continuous environment protection process in the company helps to reduce the impact of climate change and encourages companies to reshape the manufacturing process and reduce the waste.


On June 5th we are celebrating the international world environment day. Due to this, we would like to take the moment and invite You to read an interview with our head of process development Egidijus, and know more about Teltonika’s contributions in a sustainable environment.


“Quite often we see information about the negative impact on the environment that causes serious consequences to the climate change. This is why today we are talking not even about recycling, but also about the usage of renewable energy recourses. Companies by demonstrating a contribution to the environment protection present that they are taking care of the negative pollution footprint” says Egidijus. He also highlights that Teltonika more than several years are taking corresponding actions to reduce negative effects on the environment. “Here in Teltonika we successfully working on the internal environment protection processes based on ISO14001 that helps us to ensure our clients about responsible view to environment protection”


We asked Egidijus about what kind of environment protection requirements Teltonika has to fulfill?

“Teltonika business direction is unique Internet of Things devices developing and manufacturing and while we are having our own production plant we have to follow dedicated requirements. One of them is that all electronic waste has to be safely delivered to the recycling point. Moreover, we have to carefully choose our suppliers because every component in the manufacturing line has to be without any toxic material”.

Egidijus mentioned that right now Teltonika is improving the documents management system this will be the result of minimal waste of paper. Furthermore, we already changed all our product packages into recycled boxes.

“Teltonika future plans are to keep the recycling process active, move forward and evaluate our CO2 footprint in the every product development and manufacturing stage and minimize plastic usage”


“Today Teltonika recycles about 90% of generated waste. By improving our internal system management we are taking care of environment protection and create a better world for the next generations. It is important to finalize that the environment protection process belongs not to the dedicated person but to all out employees. And the result of environment protection is a good reflection of well-prepared teamwork.

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